Salam UOLS....suppost today, I have a lot of story to share-share together-gether....(good-good story one laaa)
But this one lady MAYA KARIM....alwaaayyysss make my blood go upstairs and never want to go down ...u know!
If everyday, she doing the same thing to me...I am ensure that I can go gaga nuts u see...
Go away la MK....shuush! shuuhs! u make my beautiful souffle skin become same like u laaa....
seee? wrinkles almost appear happily...thanks to u laa MK....
please don't abuse me la......just let my husband do the abusing job ....u no need to tambah perisa make my heart crack like butter cookies I've made last Monday.
Actually uols, I've made this beauty-beauty choc cupcakes, which I put the semalll semalll balls on top of the cuppies...and came this MK aaaa...withhhhout asking my permission....she rakusly pick up my innocent cuppies (6 peices scary cuppies in box) and pot pek pot pek pot front of the cuppies.....haiyyyaaa.....then suddenly she goyang2 itu cuppies and still pot pet pot pet.....and uols know what happen?...the cute choc ball all drop drop from top of the innocent cuppies.....I am sooo piss offf.....and still kindly said.."Akak...udah le..letak balik...dah jatuh dah bola2 choc tu"...but she still look at those cuppies with mulut mencebik...oh u just look alike SINYU (doreamon series).....then she put it back..after I said again..."Itu orang punya kak...jap lagiorang tu datang ambil",.....uiiissshhh my blood so mendidih and 5 min more can turn from red blood to the green the yellowish color same like traffic light....uiiissshhhh I have to take my supplement first before facing this kind of women.
Seee...? seee? the upstairs picture?.......I transform my self to be paparazzi to catch this pic....look what she is doing?......during this time she is opening my cuppies box.....luckily my cuppies box hardly to open (I ikat riben mati)...
U are so cruel la MK...!
and it's hurt my feeling (like heart broken to see edward cullen hurt) when she said..."alaaaaaa, anak akak pun pandai buat sebijik macam nie".......
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...&$$&&***)(&%^%$^%& MK! udah habis bola2 cekelat itu berterabur....sedap2 sahaja u kata anak u pandai buat ! cis!!! bedebas!
Ahhh! I almost is salary day....why should I mad?...cheersss...gie shopping kasut cepat!!!!! oh! noooo kasut...wallet u is almost sick...koyak...gie beli satu baru......cepat!!!....(oh! buy yang cheap2 coach anymore....remember ur target is camera....! remember.....)
Me Netty

habis tegang urat net pagi2 lepas geram hehe... sib baik dapat ingat hari ni hari gaji, smooth balik segala urat yg tegang tu.
jangan geram-geram ya net. be happy.
Uish...very the bad la this maya karim..klu ada kat opis angah mcm ni..mmg hitam la aku fire...sangat teruk jika ada ofismate yg mcm gini...
MK ko nih net..mmg stok x makan SAMAN..sekali-sekala kena FIRE kasi HANGUS jugak.......
2day is pay day erk?
so u supose to belanje me lorr
kakchik- happy la sangat
angah- kalo aku otomen, mmg aku fire
lynn- sila lihat komen angah
ina- meh dtg kl meh.....
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