Let me first admit that I am no makeup artist but I do LOVE touch up/conteng-conteng my face.
and as uolls can see below
taraaaaa.....my desk work. Penuh barang make up atas meja ofis I.
hey, makeup can be really fun la kan?
I truly enjoy it! everything that goes with make me look pretty *blueek*
Now, my office makeup routine is pretty natural. Kata pun berada di pejabat kan?...takkan nak make up ala-ala mak jemah pergi clubbing kot. But natural makeup pun sebenarnya not easy. Kita tak nak nampak natural yang langsung tak ada make up. Kita nak natural yang natural but with makeup....err do you know what I mean?. Tak tahu takpa la...nanti-nantilah I show you what I mean by natural to natural makeup look.
haaa sebut pasal Mascara, Since gambar tu menunjukan tuan tanah kedaun tengah bermascara bagai. Applying mascara is the best part for me.
Macam after apply it tetiba rasa ada banyak rambut tumbuh di kelopak mata.
hahahahah. Bestkan?.
ok daaa. Masa untuk kerja....kerja...kerja...
Tip: If you're prone to rushing in the morning, always keep a stick of lip gloss on hand. Even with neutral or clear shades, an extra layer of sheen will help make your lips pop. No more pale dull-looking lips. The great thing about lip gloss is t you can carry it in your purse and reapply it throughout the day as needed.
Org cun mcm kamu ween x perlu conteng2 muka pun dah mmg cun Wen.