Monday, February 10, 2014

We Saw The 'Doom Doom Cheng! Doom Doom Cheng! At The Gardens

Tapau lunch at Midvalley just now and bump with the tarian naga 
Mummy Ayu sudah doom doom cheng beside me...
tak sangka she so excited tengok tarian naga ni.
So let's layan dia ok?.

ok picture not telling the truth.
me no excited but my Bff sooooooooooo excited.
Me just happy gitew-gitew jer.

haaaa she is the one who is giler-giler happy watch this show.

Since I kena cepat, so I heret my bff pulang semula ke pangkal jalan.
no more doom doom cheng!!
and bff with squeeshie.....tq for buying.

this is not my lunch
but for my 3 o'clock tea time....konon.

and chocolate air from San Francisco
nyum nyum, nyumpah!

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