Thursday, December 12, 2013

The School Lockers.......Please Implement it at School.

Hi, last night I had this big dream....I mean no so biglah.
Just a dream. Terpengaruh tengok drama The Heirs (Korean drama) yang kes sikit-sikit heroin buka locker sekolah, asal adengan gaduh, bukak locker sekolah, asal nak cari pasal, buka locker sekolah. So maybe terjangkit kat my brain sampai termimpi-mimpi pasal school lockers ni.

and today when I was about to brush my teeth, I was thinking about the school lockers.....yiks!
kenapa eh?.....
so I wondering our school, I mean in Malaysia, did they do the same system macam kat negara luar tu?
correct me if I'm wrong, setahu I sekolah kebangsaan di Malaysia ni they do not implement this locker system at school lagi kan?. I don't know about the private school. But don't you think that one student one locker is good enough?.
Ye la kan, tengok jer la budak-budak sekolah sekarang, bawak beg sekolah macam nak balik kampung. Actually, the main reason, why students need lockers is the fact that there are so many subjects in one day and so many books to carry around.

When I was in High School, we didn't get school lockers and I had always wished to had one. 
I still remember when I was a student at Sabah College, I had to deal with one of the student belah petang (since we share the same school desk) I'm at the morning session while she was at the evening session. What we did is, we make a divider under our desk, left mine and right hers. So I simpan buku-buku text yang berat-berat. So does she. 

So why not the school locker be implement. Kalau risaukan tentang student simpan barang terlarang, buatlah spot-check kan kan kan, school prefect kan ada.    

wow, colorfulkan, serious best! if I have my own school....
what if students can design their own school lockers?....

nice kan? kan?....

sangat kemas,

this is Just my two cents...


Me Netty

1 comment:

  1. sgt2 setuju..kalau sekolah anak kita ada loker, rasa2 kita pun gie toong hiaskan..(boleh tak...mak yg over?) he he he..
