Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Tengah pikir nih ayat untuk esok....alaaa

My highest official planning to hold farewell and Chinese New Year party for our ex-staff (banyak yang berpindah kerana dinaikan pangkat...) The party will be held tomorrow during lunch hour. So...yada..yada..yada....meeting pun dah buat (last 2 weeks)....and every officer (committee members) had been given several task.
But then....
tadi, tengah seronoks (excuse the 's') layan You Tube (tipu la kalau korang tak serve other web during office hour kan...kan...) suddenly my senior officer yang gebu-gebu ni datang and ask for my favour. He ask me to replace one of my colleague jobs as an.......

Master of Ceremony ye tuan2 dan puan2
Oh! I hate last minute notice...It's not that I tak pernah jadi emcee....but the thing is....hari nie tak rasa apa2..jantung pun normal jerk.....but talking 'bout tomorrow event...alahai...mau la time tu, jantung cam Ferrari, sakit perut tak pasal-pasal la..., nak terkucil la....and my favourite yang selalu terjadi pada diri I hand automatic shivering (vibrate tanpa disuruh)bukan calang-calang dia punya vibrato, silap hari bulan orang depan pun boleh nampak. Hadoii laa....

Hmm..I should simply say "I am sorry I'm not going to be able to help out" and leave it like that. Tapi kesian lak kat senior officer tu....and my colleague tu cancel last minute pun because ada kerja yang memang urgent nak buat. Hmm...kita tengoklah esok macam mana tahap getarannya.

Me Netty.....entah laa


  1. Kesiann....gud luck ye !

  2. Tak pe, aku tau ko musti bule buat punye...
    Wsh u luck tomorow, nanti aku tepuk tangan kuat-kuat untuk emcee glomour ok?
