Monday, February 2, 2009


Me, Hubby and Imran

My topic for today is domok bam bam imran.....tak sangka dah 2 tahun lima bulan dah haaaa.....semangat my boboy nih! Actually I wonder how to reduce my son weight, hey 22.5kg with that kind of age......hmm I have to do something. Can he be on the herbalife diet?Heard that the shake, protein powder, cell activator and tea will work. Do you think he is too young for this diet. Am I a cruel mom?....

Well my son is overweight help? Can you guys please advisable me to reduce his weight? or mak budak ni pun kena kuruskan badan jugak?...huhu

Me Netty


  1. Wen,don't put on him with any diet product.He's too young for all diet.Just let it be naturally,insyallah when his growing he will reduce his weight by himself(when he start lasak2 time!!) Don't you ever put any diet product on him..or else you can control his meal & milk2 time

  2. i suggest u to consult a dietician. kalau i ade anak, i takot nak bagi diet products nie. nanti dieorg boleh check whether the weight suits his age onot. i think its good for u to care bout his weight, currently ramai budak2 obes.. yang kite risau pasal die nyer health la kan.. sekarang dah ramai budak seolah rendah kene diebetes , bukan nak sekat makan... tapi yang kite takot saket...

  3. jgn bagi imran any diet product..tu normal la budak besar tu selagi dia minum susu botol..once dia berenti minum susu, turun la berat dia..DI LARANG SAMA SEKALI imran for ANY diet product..control susu dia je...sbb dia dah boleh makan makanan lain..

  4. Emy - thanx dear...
    Ano - betul gak kan...thank u...
    sang suami - Anak sapa la tu kan?...

  5. Net... semangt btul anak u...
    geram .. macam nak cubit2 jer pp dier..
    nasib baik x depan mata.. klu tak..
    selamat ....:)

  6. salam...kuss semangat baby u netty, best giler kalau peluk ni hahaha...i suggest tiap2 ptg main kejar2 je kt playground..nnti slim lah bb u tu..!kalau kt sini(UK) midwife soh kurangkan susu je..gudluck!
